알레츠샵(몰) 갑자기 폐업 제2의 티메프 사태 오나

내용요약알레츠샵(몰) 폐업. 2024년 08월 31일 서비스 종료. 제2의 티메프 사태, 또 오는가. 내용요약알레츠샵(몰) 폐업. 2024년 08월 31일 서비스 종료. 제2의 티메프 사태, 또 오는가.

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알레츠(ALLETS)는 갑자기 폐업합니다 알레츠(ALLETS)는 갑자기 폐업합니다

ka_idris, 출처 Unsplash ka_idris, 출처 Unsplash

Allets, an online shopping mall that mainly sells furniture and home appliances, suddenly announced the closure of its business, causing a series of losses due to delays in refunds for stores and consumers who have not been settled, Allets, an online shopping mall that mainly sells furniture and home appliances, suddenly announced the closure of its business, causing a series of losses due to delays in refunds for stores and consumers who have not been settled,

Source: Let’s Source: Let’s

I posted a notice on the website saying, “We inform you that the service will end on August 31st due to unavoidable management reasons.” Therefore, there are concerns about the second Timaev (Timon Wimev) situation. I posted a notice on the website saying, “We inform you that the service will end on August 31st due to unavoidable management reasons.” Therefore, there are concerns about the second Timaev (Timon Wimev) situation.

Source: ssbs Source: ssbs

Interstellar, the operator of Allette, is already in a state of capital erosion like Timon and Wemeff. Debt is about three times higher than assets (31.7 billion liabilities, 11.3 billion assets), and annual sales are 15 billion won, but operating profit has hardly been raised at 14.7 billion won. Interstellar, the operator of Allette, is already in a state of capital erosion like Timon and Wemeff. Debt is about three times higher than assets (31.7 billion liabilities, 11.3 billion assets), and annual sales are 15 billion won, but operating profit has hardly been raised at 14.7 billion won.

belart84, 출처 Unsplash belart84, 출처 Unsplash

Recently, it is similar to Timon that it has tried to secure liquidity by holding high-rate discount events of more than 10%. August 16th, when Aletz announced its closure, was the interim settlement date, and no settlement fee was paid. Recently, it is similar to Timon that it has tried to secure liquidity by holding high-rate discount events of more than 10%. August 16th, when Aletz announced its closure, was the interim settlement date, and no settlement fee was paid.

1. In the afternoon of August 16th (Fri), after notifying the employee of dismissal by e-mail, the notice of the end of the service was posted on the website on August 31st (Fri) without prior notice on August 16th (Fri). 3. Incubation Period of Representative Director 4. The Allette Shopping Mall site is in a situation where buyers and store sellers can’t do anything, such as cancellation and refund… The e-commerce market is not good these days, but the situation seems to be even worse, especially for small and medium-sized e-commerce companies. It was the first online shopping mall I’ve heard of ALLETS… I hope the situation will be resolved well and the damage will not spread any more, so I hope you get a settlement and refund. 1. In the afternoon of August 16th (Fri), after notifying the employee of dismissal by e-mail, the notice of the end of the service was posted on the website on August 31st (Fri) without prior notice on August 16th (Fri). 3. Incubation Period of Representative Director 4. The Allette Shopping Mall site is in a situation where buyers and store sellers can’t do anything, such as cancellation and refund… The e-commerce market is not good these days, but the situation seems to be even worse, especially for small and medium-sized e-commerce companies. It was the first online shopping mall I’ve heard of ALLETS… I hope the situation will be resolved well and the damage will not spread any more, so I hope you get a settlement and refund.